water baby
What a weekend.. I'm knackered. Took a few minutes off to JUST close my eyes. Woke myself up with a snore! haha! We spend a good part of Saturday at Serasa Yacht Club for a birthday. Beautiful balloons all over. I love going to the Yacht Club. The classic clubhouse and the sight of the sea a few steps away from civilisation.
There's a pool there and we brought Toby in the afternoon for a swim. My dear son simply loves the water.. loves it with a capital L. He would actually protest if his daily bath too 'short' of a time. Bought him a mini pool for home but we finally had the chance to put him into a big pool at the birthday bash. We were in the pool for a little more than an hour. He was getting tired and we could see from his eyes that he really wanted to sleep but with so much water to play with, who needs sleep?! hehe.. Usually, he would make lots of noise and get fidgetty when he's tired and ready for a nap.